The Strad
As emotionally wide-ranging
as one could hope for

The Star

Wolfgang Thrills With Concerto
By David Hoenigsberg
Johannesburg, South Africa — Austrian Wolfgang David performed the gigantic Brahms Concerto, a work of great depth and dignified beauty, in a manner that belled its tremendous difficulties and complex emotional structure.
As it is the interpreters‘ role to serve the music and the composer by putting their personality aside and becoming one with what they do, then David triumphed.
For a performer this young to bring this work to such a glowing and full interpretation despite his youth, is indeed remarkable. David breathed life into what in the wrong hands can become laboured and uninteresting.
His understanding of the style and emotional subtlies can only be described as having been imbibed.
Here is someone who has breathed the very essence of Viennese Romanticism to bring to the public – without frills and unnecessary exaggeration – the wit, elan, passion and grace that can be found in Brahms.